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Anim Cogn ; 25(6): 1381-1392, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35394264


A fundamental question in animal behaviour is the role of vocal communication in the regulation of social interactions in species that organise themselves into social groups. Context dependence and seasonality in vocalizations are present in the communication of many species, although very little research has addressed this dependence in marine mammals. The study presented here examined variations in the rate at which free-ranging dyads of bottlenose dolphins emit social-signals in an effort to better understand the relationship between vocal communication and social context. The results demonstrate that changes in the social-signal production in bottlenose dolphins are related to the sex of the partner, mating season and social affiliation between the components of the dyad. In a context of foraging behaviour on the same feeding ground, mixed (male-female) dyads were found to emit more pulsed burst sounds during the mating season. Another relevant aspect of the study seems to be the greater production of agonistic social-signals in the dyads formed by individuals with a lower degree of social affiliation. Overall, this study confirms a clear relationship between dyad composition and context-specific social-signals that could reflect the motivational state of individuals linked to seasonal changes in vocal behaviour.

Delfín Mular , Caniformia , Masculino , Femenino , Animales , Delfín Mular/fisiología , Vocalización Animal/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Conducta Social , Conducta Animal/fisiología
Texto & contexto enferm ; 29: e20180205, Jan.-Dec. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1094549


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the motivations that mobilize professors-nurses in the construction of a proposal for the theoretical and methodological basis for the Nursing Process teaching. Method: a Convergent Assistential research, conducted with professors-nurses. Six convergence groups were developed, with triggering questions on the theme. The reports were audio-recorded, validated by the participants and analyzed in the light of the Convergent Assistance Research. Results: there are three thematic approaches: professors' perception of the nurses' professional practices; dissatisfaction with the current health model; and dissatisfaction with the current teaching model. The thematic approaches reveal the motivation to overcome biomedical/cartesian practices in teaching and nursing care, which converges to the development of a proposal with a philosophical, theoretical and methodological framework for the Nursing Process teaching, aligned with the assumptions of the Unified Health System and consistent with health expanded clinic. Conclusion: this study allowed for the expression of concerns and discomforts with the current model of education and health, triggering reflections on the paradigm that guides the field of health teaching and dominates our life in society. The results reveal what is desired in the health scenario, as educating individuals and society, enhancing the perspective of social changes in the health sector, acclaimed and desired politically and socially, basing the development of philosophical, theoretical and methodological proposals for nursing care, consistent with society's current demands.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir las motivaciones que impulsan a los enfermeros profesores a elaborar una propuesta para definir las bases teórica y metodológica para la enseñanza del Proceso de Enfermería. Método: investigación Convergente Asistencial, realizada con profesores enfermeros. Se desarrollaron seis grupos de convergencia con preguntas desencadenantes sobre la temática. Los relatos se grabaron en audio, fueron validados por los participantes y analizados bajo la óptica de la Investigación Convergente Asistencial. Resultados: surgen tres enfoques temáticos: prácticas profesionales de los enfermeros en la percepción de los profesores; la insatisfacción con el modelo de salud vigente; y la insatisfacción con el modelo de enseñanza vigente. Los enfoques temáticos revelan la motivación para superar prácticas biomédicas/cartesianas en la enseñanza y en la atención de enfermería, lo que converge para desarrollar una propuesta de referencial filosófico, teórico y metodológico para la enseñanza del Proceso de Enfermería, alineado con las presunciones del Sistema Único de Salud y en coincidencia con una clínica ampliada en salud. Conclusión: este estudio permitió expresar inquietudes y malestares con el modelo vigente de enseñanza y de salud, iniciando reflexiones sobre el paradigma que orienta al campo de la enseñanza en salud y rige nuestra vida en sociedad. Los resultados revelan lo que se desea en el ámbito de la salud, como individuos formadores y sociedad, potenciando la perspectiva de cambios sociales en el sector de la salud, aclamados y deseados tanto política como socialmente, y sirviendo como base para desarrollar propuestas filosóficas, teóricas y metodológicas para el cuidado de enfermería, en coincidencia con las demandas actuales de la sociedad.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever as motivações que mobilizam enfermeiros professores na construção de uma proposta para o embasamento teórico e metodológico para o ensino do Processo de Enfermagem. Método: pesquisa Convergente Assistencial, com professores enfermeiros. Desenvolveram-se seis grupos de convergência com questões deflagradoras sobre a temática. Os relatos foram audiogravados, validados pelos participantes e analisados à luz da Pesquisa Convergente Assistencial. Resultados: surgem três enfoques temáticos: práticas profissionais dos enfermeiros na percepção dos professores; a insatisfação com o modelo de saúde vigente; e a insatisfação com o modelo de ensino vigente. Os enfoques temáticos revelam a motivação para superar práticas biomédicas/cartesianas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem, o que converge para o desenvolvimento de uma proposta de referencial filosófico, teórico e metodológico para o ensino do Processo de Enfermagem, alinhado com os pressupostos do Sistema Único de Saúde e condizente com uma clínica ampliada em saúde. Conclusão: este estudo permitiu a expressão de inquietações e desconfortos com o modelo vigente de ensino e de saúde, disparando reflexões sobre o paradigma que orienta o campo do ensino na saúde e domina a nossa vida em sociedade. Os resultados revelam o que se almeja no cenário da saúde, como indivíduos formadores e sociedade, potencializando a perspectiva de mudanças sociais no setor da saúde, aclamadas e desejadas política e socialmente, alicerçando o desenvolvimento de propostas filosóficas, teóricas e metodológicas para o cuidado em enfermagem, condizentes com as demandas atuais da sociedade.

Humanos , Adulto , Enfermería , Educación en Enfermería , Tamaño de la Porción de Referencia , Política de Salud , Proceso de Enfermería
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 53(1): 181-193, jan.-mar. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1288803


Neste trabalho, a autora examina a noção de emoção sob o vértice teórico de Bion. Estuda situações clínicas que envolvem forte emoção e situações de ausência de emoção, específicas de estados primordiais da mente - estados autís-ticos e estados não integrados. Desenvolve ideias sobre o tipo de linguagem que o analista deve empregar diante desses estados de mente. Para isso, recorre à teoria de Transformações, de Bion, particularmente às transformações em O. Propõe que a linguagem do analista com tais pacientes poderia ser o que denomina de linguagem de emoção, o analista "tornando-se" a emoção do momento. Apresenta material clínico de dois pacientes com o intuito de ilustrar as questões levantadas no trabalho e estimular a discussão.

In this paper, the author examines the notion of emotion under the vertex of Bion's theories. Among patient situations, she studies cases that involve strong emotion and situations of lack of emotion, which are specific to primitive states of mind - autistic states and unintegrated states. Inspired by Bion's Theory of Transformation (Bion, 1965), particularly transformations in "O", the author develops ideas on the type of language the analyst should use when dealing with these mental states. She proposes that the analyst's language for the access to these patients' mental states should be a "language of emotion", i.e. the analyst "becomes the emotion of the moment". And, from the author's perspective, this language is specific to transformations in "O". Clinical material is presented in order to illustrate the raised issues and stimulate discussion.

La autora examina en este trabajo la noción de emoción bajo el vértice teórico de Bion. Se estudian situaciones de pacientes que involucran una fuerte emoción y situaciones de ausencia de emoción, específicas de estados primordiales de la mente, estados autísticos y estados no integrados. La autora desarrolla ideas sobre el tipo de lenguaje que el analista debe emplear ante estos estados. Para ello recurre a la teoría de transformaciones de Bion (1965), particularmente a las transformaciones en "O". La autora propone que el lenguaje del analista con tales pacientes podría ser lo que denomina un "lenguaje de emoción", el analista "convirtiéndose" en la emoción del momento. El material clínico de dos pacientes será presentado con el propósito de ilustrar las cuestiones planteadas en el trabajo y estimular la discusión.

L'auteur examine dans ce travail la notion d'émotion sous le côté théorique de Bion. Elle étudie certains cas de patients où l'on observe de fortes émotions et d'autres cas où l'on observe l'absence d'émotion, des cas spécifiques d'états primordiaux de l'esprit - des états autistiques et des états non intégrés. Cet auteur développe des idées concernant le genre de langage que l'analyste doit employer face à ces états de l'esprit. Pour ça faire, elle a recours à la théorie des transformations de Bion (1065), en spécial aux transformations en "O". Elle propose que le langage de l'analyste en présence de tels patients pourrait être ce qu'elle appelle un "langage d'émotion", où l'analyste "devient" l'émotion de ce moment-là. On présente le matériel clinique de deux patients dans le dessein d'illustrer les questions soulevées dans ce travail, et de stimuler la discussion.

Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 477-494, dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019919


Los niños construyen conocimientos sobre los sistemas de representación externa en interacción con adultos que obran como mediadores de sus procesos cognitivos. Distintas investigaciones muestran que los niños reconocen el dibujo a partir de los 2 años y medio y pueden diferenciar entre dibujo, escritura y numerales alrededor de los 4 años. En este estudio se examinan los conocimientos sobre las propiedades formales y la función referencial de estos tres sistemas que niños de 2 años y medio y 4 años despliegan junto con sus madres durante la lectura compartida de un libro. Para ello se utilizó un libro que presenta en cada página dibujos de un animal, su nombre escrito y el numeral correspondiente a la cantidad de animales (1 a 9). Los análisis se centran en el foco de atención de las díadas, los aspectos del conocimiento notacional y las bases comunicativo-educativas de las interacciones, en función de la edad de los niños. Los resultados indican que las díadas centraron su atención en la función referencial del dibujo, como representación de la identidad del referente a los 2 años y medio, y de la identidad y la cantidad a los 4 años. Aunque la atención en la escritura y los numerales fue menor, las madres de los niños más pequeños brindaron información sobre las propiedades formales de los numerales, y las madres y los niños de 4 años elaboraron este aspecto del conocimiento de ambos sistemas. Se discuten estos resultados en relación con el potencial de la lectura compartida para la apropiación temprana del conocimiento notacional.

Children acquire knowledge about external representational systems in interaction with adults who operate as mediators of their cognitive processes. Several studies have shown that 2.5-year-old children are able to recognize drawings, and 4-year-old children can distinguish between drawing, writing and numerals. The present study focuses on a developmental analysis of the knowledge about the formal properties and the referential function of these three systems that 2.5- and 4-year-old children unfold with their mothers during shared reading sessions. The referential function is the representational relation between the system and the referent. Each system has a referential function that is the result of a social convention: figurative drawing depicts the identity and characteristics of the referent, writing is a graphic representation of oral language and numerals represent numerical information. The formal properties include the name of the representational systems and their graphic units, the form of the strokes, their spatial disposition and their compositional rules. Our specific goals were:(1) to establish which representational system isthe main focus of attention; (2) to describe and analyze whether and how mothers and children elaborate knowledge about the formal properties and referential function of the systems; (3) to understand how notational knowledge emerges describing the educative-communicative basis of the interactions; and (4) to compare the focus of attention, notational knowledge and the educative-communicative basis of interactions as a function of children's age. Twenty-six mothers and their 2.5- (n = 13) and 4-year-old children (n = 13) participated. They were given a book and told to look at it together. The book was specially designed for this study; it includes in each page drawings of an animal, its written name and the numeral for the number of animals depicted (1 to 9). We designed a system of categories with three levels of analysis, related to the specific goals of the study: focus of attention, notational knowledge and educative-communicative basis. We performed non-parametric statistical analysis: Wilcoxon test and Mann- Whitney's U test. Results show that dyads of both age groups focused their attention on drawings more than on writing and numerals. However, 4-year-old children and their mothers made significantly more utterances about writing and numerals than the other group. Attention to writing and numerals in the older group seemed to be guided by mothers' interest to teach those systems to their children. Dyads talked especially about the referential function of drawing, as a representation of the identity of the referent at 2.5 years of age and as a representation of the identity and quantity at 4 years. Although less attention was paid to writing and numerals, the youngest children's mothers provided information about the formal properties of numerals and the mothers and the 4-year-old children elaborated this aspect of knowledge of both representational systems. Furthermore, in the older group, dyads started to discuss the referential function of numerals. With regard to the educative-communicative basis of the interactions, the mothers of both age groups tended to request information about the referents of drawings more than to provide their children with this kind of information. The mothers in the 2.5-year-olds' group provided information about the formal properties of numerals, while in the 4-year-olds' group the mothers both requested and provided this kind of information. Finally, the formal properties of writing were elaborated only by mothers in the older group. We discuss these results in terms of the potential of shared reading for the early acquisition of notational knowledge.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2014. xiv,154 p. tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-756879


As Autoridades Reguladoras de todo o mundo têm cada vez mais buscado respostas na arena internacional. Elas têm buscado estabelecer parcerias estratégicas para desenvolver soluções conjuntas aos desafios comuns enfrentados por todas elas.Parte desse esforço se refere aos desenvolvimento de normas e guias de referência internacional de caráter científico e técnico que servirão para balizar as regulamentações em nível nacional. A ANVISA faz parte desse processo e tem procurado se inserir nas discussões estratégicas internacionais.Apesar de grande parte das autoridades reguladoras de produtos sujeitos à regulação sanitária entenderem que os desafios vivenciados por elas só serão superados se forem adotadas abordagens comuns e compartilhadas globalmente, os críticos da globalização defendem que a integração das economias nacionais tem sido maléfica para a autonomia nacional. Os governos ou as agências tenderiam a enfraquecer regulamentações de serviços ou produtos sujeitos à vigilância sanitária em prol do comércio internacional, efeito comumente conhecido como Race to the Bottom - RTB. Em contraposição a essa ideia, alguns autores optam pelo modelo Race to the Top - RTT ao analisarem o impacto da globalização sobre os processos de regulamentação nacionais. Esse modelo defende que a globalização econômica vem tornando as regulamentações mais rigorosas, em âmbito nacional ou global. No Brasil, cabe à ANVISA lidar com todos os setores da economia relacionados a produtos e serviços que possam afetar a saúde da população brasileira. Trata-se de um órgão com apenas 15 anos de idade, que vem aprimorando sua atuação em todos os campos, inclusive nas atividades internacionais...

Worldwide, Regulatory Authorities have increasingly look for answers in theinternational arena. They aim to establish strategic partnerships to develop jointsolutions to common challenges faced and shared by all of them. Part of this effortrelates to the development of international scientific and technical standards andguidelines and that will serve as reference to national regulations. ANVISA is part ofthis process and has participated at international strategic discussions. Although many regulatory authorities of products subject to health regulation understand the challenges experienced by them can only be overcome if commonapproaches are adopted and shared globally, critics of globalization argue that the integration of national economies has been malefic for national autonomy. Governmentsor agencies would tend to weaken services or products regulations subject to health surveillance in support of international trade, an effect commonly known as Race to theBottom - RTB. In contrast to this idea, some authors opt for the Race to the Top - RTT Model, while examining the impact of globalization on national regulatory processes.This model affirms that economic globalization is responsible for making regulations more stringent, at national or global level. In Brazil, ANVISA is responsible for regulating all the economy sectors relatedto products and services that affect the health of Brazilian citizens. It is a 15 years old Agency that has been improving its performance in all fields, including in international activities. Nowadays, ANVISA develops a range of international activities, which canbe divided as follows: international inspections; discussion of international standards foron regulation and health surveillance; negotiations on health and its trade impacts; initiatives on international cooperation; and international institutional representation and training activities...

Humanos , Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria , Regulación y Fiscalización en Salud , Cooperación Técnica
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 28(64): 11-15, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-762469


Se incorporaron dos sencillos elementos en las fotografías del perfil facial en ortodoncia. La aplicación de un sello, automático, de tinta común con una escala preestablecida de aplicación fácil, ágil y reproducible, directamente sobre la piel del paciente, para otorgar mayorprecisión en la comparación de imágenes en el tiempo; como así también, la utilización de un plano de referencia denominado plano lefraconformado por dos puntos que unen ojo y oído, permitiendo evaluar los cambios producidos en el rostro por medio de la superposición fotográfica. Al finalizar el presente trabajo se concluyo que la utilización del sello y la superposición sobre el plano lefra permiten asimilar eltamaño de las fotografías y a su vez dar una zona referencial estable, facilitando la comparación entre el pre y post tratamiento.

Two simple elements were incorporated in the photographs of facial profile in orthodontics. The application of a seal, automatic, common ink on a prescribed scale of easy, fast and reproducible application, directly on the skin of the patient profile, which gives more accurate comparison of images in time; as well as the use of a reference plane called lefra plane, which consists of two points linking eye and ear, allowing to evaluate the changes in the face by means of photographic superimposition. Upon completion of this work, was concluded that the use of the seal and the overlay on the lefra plane allow to assimilate the size of the photographs and in turn provide a stable reference area to facilitate the comparison between pre and post treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Cara/anatomía & histología , Fotogrametría/métodos , Fotografía Dental , Argentina , Diseño de Equipo , Estética Dental , Facultades de Odontología , Ortodoncia Correctiva/estadística & datos numéricos
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 42(2): 219-221, abr.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-698807


Paciente de 34 años que, tras un continuo de visitas médicas a diferentes especialidades, consulta en la unidad de psiquiatría por bullying (acoso escolar). El principal motivo de acoso, exclusión y burla es el olor corporal que desprende. La remisión de informes de otras especialidades nos indica que queda descartada cualquier afección dermatológica y ninguna de las otras enfermedades propuestas por la paciente. La entrevista clínica psiquiátrica, así como la utilización de otras técnicas de evaluación y diagnóstico, nos sugirió la realización de un diagnóstico diferencial entre el cuadro obsesivo compulsivo y la psicosis monosintomática.

A 34 year old patient who was seen in the Harassment Psychiatry Unit after a series of medical visits to different specialties. The main reason for his harassment, exclusion and derision was due to his body odor. The reports issued by the other specialties ruled out any dermatological pathology, and any of the other conditions proposed by the patient. The psychiatric clinical interview, including the use of other evaluation and diagnostic techniques, suggested a differential diagnosis between a compulsive obsessive picture and mono-symptomatic psychosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Olfato , Síndrome , Trastornos Paranoides , Trastorno de Personalidad Esquizoide , Esquizofrenia , Acoso Escolar
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 42(2): 219-21, 2013 Jun.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26572817


A 34 year old patient who was seen in the Harassment Psychiatry Unit after a series of medical visits to different specialties. The main reason for his harassment, exclusion and derision was due to his body odor. The reports issued by the other specialties ruled out any dermatological pathology, and any of the other conditions proposed by the patient. The psychiatric clinical interview, including the use of other evaluation and diagnostic techniques, suggested a differential diagnosis between a compulsive obsessive picture and mono-symptomatic psychosis.

Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 15(4): 837-851, out.-dez. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-775277


O estudo em questão visa apresentar a síntese possível do processo colaborativo de construção de um referencial curricular para a Educação Física no Estado da Bahia. As Diretorias Regionais de Educação do Estado foram chamadas a contribuir nesse rico processo, avaliando a partir de suas realidades materiais o que deve-se constituir como parâmetro de referência para a disciplina Educação Física no Estado da Bahia. Na realidade da DIREC 13 foi possível reconhecer avanços e limites no exercício da prática da mencionada disciplina, mas, foi perceptível para o coletivo de professores que compõe esta regional de Educação um esforço coletivo na direção da construção de referencias básicas que deverão balizar a prática docente do (a) professor (a) de Educação Física no Estado da Bahia.

Curriculum , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Desarrollo de Personal
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(1): 5-22, jul. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-672009


Históricamente, la comunicación referencial fue considerada como exclusivamente humana. No obstante, recientemente se observó que los animales también pueden referirse hacia objetos externos. Para los perros domésticos, las personas proveen el acceso a los recursos valiosos, por lo que una adecuada comunicación con las mismas resulta fundamental. En este contexto, la comprensión y producción de señales comunicativas visuales cobran especial relevancia. Las evidencias revisadas indican que los perros detectan el estado atencional humano, siguen la orientación de la cabeza para hallar comida oculta y dirigen la atención del humano hacia un objeto fuera de su alcance, mediante la alternancia de la mirada. En función de ello, se sugiere que los perros se comunican de manera referencial con las personas. Sin embargo, esto no necesariamente implica que comprendan al otro como un agente intencional. Se discuten los posibles mecanismos involucrados así como las hipótesis acerca del origen de dichas capacidades.

Referential communication has been historically viewed as uniquely human because it is linked with the use of language. However, there is evidence indicating that animals can also communicate about external objects, by means of vocalizations or gestures. The use of gestures as pointing or gaze alternation involves the ability to direct the attention of an observer to a distal object or entity in the environment. This ability is shared with other species, especially those who live in captivity. For domestic dogs as for the species that live in captivity, humans provide the main resources for survival. For this reason a proper communication with them is essential. Visual social cues can be used to communicate emotional and mental states and so they allow us to predict other's behavior. In this context, both comprehension of the human gaze as well as the production of visual communicative signals by domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) have special relevance. The evidence reviewed in the present study indicate that dogs can detect cues associated with human attentional states as head orientation, behaving differently when the person remains attentive or inattentive. Also, they are able to follow human head direction to find hidden food in an object choice task, but not gaze direction. Moreover, dogs can direct human attention toward an out-of-reach object, alternating their own gaze between the human face and the target. On that basis, as dogs can detect, follow and direct human attention, it would be possible to suggest that they can referentially communicate with people about distal objects in the environment; however these capacities were principally observed in foraging contexts. Nevertheless this does not imply that dogs necessarily comprehend others as intentional beings. There are several hypotheses to explain the origin of these abilities in dogs, some postulate that the intense process of domestication to which them were submitted, provide them a special sensitivity to communicate with humans. Differently, others stress the importance of ontogeny. Although the domestication process would be essential for understanding dogs' ability to communicate with humans, the experience with people that they have throughout their lives is also involved in the acquisition of these skills. The two-stage hypothesis states that in addition to the domestication process, the sensitivity of a canid to human social cues depends on two types of ontogeny experience. First, interaction with humans during a sensitive developmental period leading to the acceptance of humans as social companions. Second, learning that is not restricted to a particular phase of development to utilize the location and movement of parts of the human body to locate sought-after objects. This would lead to a human-food association by conditioning processes. As domestic dogs spend most of their lives in human families, they have many opportunities to learn to use these signals. This hypothesis recognizes that the domestication of dogs provided a longer socialization period than that of other canids facilitating the acceptance of humans as social partners. However, the animal's contact with people during its ontogenetic development is essential, if this contact does not occur at the right time, communicative skills will not properly develop. Possibly, during thousands of years dogs have been learning to gaze at the human face as the shortest way to satisfy their needs. This gazing exchange thus became a privileged channel of communication between the two species.

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(1): 5-22, jul. 2012.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-128824


Históricamente, la comunicación referencial fue considerada como exclusivamente humana. No obstante, recientemente se observó que los animales también pueden referirse hacia objetos externos. Para los perros domésticos, las personas proveen el acceso a los recursos valiosos, por lo que una adecuada comunicación con las mismas resulta fundamental. En este contexto, la comprensión y producción de señales comunicativas visuales cobran especial relevancia. Las evidencias revisadas indican que los perros detectan el estado atencional humano, siguen la orientación de la cabeza para hallar comida oculta y dirigen la atención del humano hacia un objeto fuera de su alcance, mediante la alternancia de la mirada. En función de ello, se sugiere que los perros se comunican de manera referencial con las personas. Sin embargo, esto no necesariamente implica que comprendan al otro como un agente intencional. Se discuten los posibles mecanismos involucrados así como las hipótesis acerca del origen de dichas capacidades.(AU)

Referential communication has been historically viewed as uniquely human because it is linked with the use of language. However, there is evidence indicating that animals can also communicate about external objects, by means of vocalizations or gestures. The use of gestures as pointing or gaze alternation involves the ability to direct the attention of an observer to a distal object or entity in the environment. This ability is shared with other species, especially those who live in captivity. For domestic dogs as for the species that live in captivity, humans provide the main resources for survival. For this reason a proper communication with them is essential. Visual social cues can be used to communicate emotional and mental states and so they allow us to predict others behavior. In this context, both comprehension of the human gaze as well as the production of visual communicative signals by domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) have special relevance. The evidence reviewed in the present study indicate that dogs can detect cues associated with human attentional states as head orientation, behaving differently when the person remains attentive or inattentive. Also, they are able to follow human head direction to find hidden food in an object choice task, but not gaze direction. Moreover, dogs can direct human attention toward an out-of-reach object, alternating their own gaze between the human face and the target. On that basis, as dogs can detect, follow and direct human attention, it would be possible to suggest that they can referentially communicate with people about distal objects in the environment; however these capacities were principally observed in foraging contexts. Nevertheless this does not imply that dogs necessarily comprehend others as intentional beings. There are several hypotheses to explain the origin of these abilities in dogs, some postulate that the intense process of domestication to which them were submitted, provide them a special sensitivity to communicate with humans. Differently, others stress the importance of ontogeny. Although the domestication process would be essential for understanding dogs ability to communicate with humans, the experience with people that they have throughout their lives is also involved in the acquisition of these skills. The two-stage hypothesis states that in addition to the domestication process, the sensitivity of a canid to human social cues depends on two types of ontogeny experience. First, interaction with humans during a sensitive developmental period leading to the acceptance of humans as social companions. Second, learning that is not restricted to a particular phase of development to utilize the location and movement of parts of the human body to locate sought-after objects. This would lead to a human-food association by conditioning processes. As domestic dogs spend most of their lives in human families, they have many opportunities to learn to use these signals. This hypothesis recognizes that the domestication of dogs provided a longer socialization period than that of other canids facilitating the acceptance of humans as social partners. However, the animals contact with people during its ontogenetic development is essential, if this contact does not occur at the right time, communicative skills will not properly develop. Possibly, during thousands of years dogs have been learning to gaze at the human face as the shortest way to satisfy their needs. This gazing exchange thus became a privileged channel of communication between the two species.(AU)

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 20(2): 291-305, jul.-dic. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-619668


Se observó si diferentes historias funcionales construidas durante la adquisición de un conjunto de morfologías lingüísticas facilitaban un ajuste convencional. Participaron 24 estudiantes universitarios distribuidos en tres grupos, expuestos a entrenamientos construidos bajo la lógica de diferentes niveles de interacción: contextual, suplementario o selector (Ribes y López, 1985); y posteriormente se evaluó su ejecución en una tarea convencional. El entrenamiento cuyo criterio de ajuste era de tipo selector fue la que más facilitó tanto la adquisición de las morfologías lingüísticas como su uso en la tarea, efecto que pareció más evidente en los hablantes que en los escuchas. No se encontraron diferencias entre los entrenamientos contextual y suplementario. Los resultados se discuten en términos de sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas.

The objective of this study was to evaluate whether different kinds of functional history, during the acquisition of linguistic morphologies, either facilitate or interfere with conventional adjustment. Twenty four college students were divided into three groups: contextual, supplementary and selector, on the basis of the levels of interactions proposed by Ribes and López (1985). Then, the adjustment in a conventional task was evaluated. The experiment showed that functional history that dealt with selector interaction facilitated acquisition of linguistic morphologies and their use in the conventional task, and that this effect was more salient for the speakers than for the listeners. No differences were found between contextual and supplementary training. Results were discussed in terms of theoretical and methodological concerns.

Foi observado se diferentes histórias funcionais construídas durante a aquisição de um conjunto de morfologias lingüísticas facilitavam ou não, um ajuste convencional. Participaram 24 estudantes universitários, distribuídos em três grupos, expostos correspondentes a treinamentos construídos sob a lógica de diferentes níveis de interação: contextual, suplementar ou seletivo (Ribes & López, 1985); posteriormente se avaliou sua execução numa tarefa convencional. O treinamento cujo critério de ajuste era de tipo seletivo foi a que mais facilitou tanto a aquisição das morfologias lingüísticas como seu uso na tarefa, efeito que pareceu mais evidente nos falantes que nos ouvintes. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre o treinamento contextual e o suplementar. Os resultados são discutidos em termos de das implicações teóricas e metodológicas.

Lenguaje , Desarrollo del Lenguaje
Poiésis (En línea) ; 21(Jun.): 1-6, 2011.
Artículo en Español | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1117341


Las siguientes observaciones e hipótesis son el producto de una breve estadía en Medellín, motivo de la pasantía concertada entre la Escuela de Psicología Social del Sur y la Facultad de Psicología y Ciencias Sociales de la Funlam, a la cual asistí como alumno en algunas de sus actividades durante 17 días. El objetivo es contribuir al diálogo entre los saberes surgidos de las diferentes experiencias psicosociales de una y otra institución.

The following observations and hypotheses are the product of a brief stay in Medellín, reason for the internship arranged between the School of Social Psychology of the South and the School of Psychology and Social Sciences of Funlam, which I attended as a student in some of their activities for 17 days. The objective is to contribute to the dialogue between the knowledge arising from the different psychosocial experiences of one institution and another.

Humanos , Psicología Social/educación , Psicoterapia/métodos , Psicoterapia de Grupo/métodos , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias/métodos
Acta colomb. psicol ; 13(2): 129-148, jul.-dic. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635255


El presente escrito se centra en el análisis referencial de un estudio que tuvo como objetivo develar las representaciones sociales que tiene un grupo de mujeres sobre la violencia doméstica. Para tal fin se realizaron ocho entrevistas en profundidad a igual número de mujeres usuarias de una Comisaría de Familia de la ciudad de Bogotá que han acudido por violencia conyugal. La investigación fue de corte cualitativo, basada en el análisis del discurso, específicamente en el análisis referencial de las historias de vida de las participantes. Los resultados encontrados indican que las representaciones sociales sobre la violencia doméstica se consolidan en dispositivos de control y de desempoderamiento presentes en la dinámica de violencia de las relaciones de pareja, éstas se gestan en los subgrupos de mujeres y son un factor que ayuda a la construcción y reproducción de las mismas.

This paper is focused on the referential analysis of a study aimed at revealing the social representations of a group of women on domestic violence. Eight women, who had sought help at a State Family Center (Comisaría de Familia) due to gender violence, were thoroughly interviewed. A qualitative research based on an analysis of these women's speeches especially in the referential analysis about their life stories was carried out. The results show that social representations on domestic violence are consolidated in control and disempowering mechanisms present in the couples' violence dynamics which arise in the women's subgroups and are a factor that helps to their own construction and reproduction.

Este artigo enfoca a análise referencial de um estudo cujo objetivo é conhecer as representações sociais de um grupo de mulheres sobre violência doméstica. Para este fim, realizaram-se entrevistas em profundidade a oito mulheres atendidas por uma comissária de família da cidade de Bogotá, vítimas de violência doméstica. A pesquisa foi qualitativa, baseada na análise do discurso, especificamente na análise de referência das histórias de vida das participantes. Os resultados mostram que as representações sociais sobre violência doméstica são consolidadas em dispositivos de controle e na falta de empoderamento presentes na dinâmica da violência nas relações íntimas, os quais nascem nos subgrupos de mulheres e ajudam a construir e reproduzir as representações.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Psicología Social , Violencia contra la Mujer
Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 16: 95-102, ene.-dic. 2009. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-641762


Objetivos: El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir los resultados de una investigación que evaluó una forma de intervenir específica de un marco teórico, como es la interpretación psicoanalítica, y su interacción con las características discursivas de un paciente, a través del concepto de Actividad Referencial (Bucci, 1997), en base al Diccionario de Actividad Referencial ponderado (S-WRAD) en un estudio de caso único. Métodos: Veintinueve sesiones de un tratamiento grabado en audio durante dos años fueron transcriptos con el fin de analizar la secuencia de intervenciones y su relación con el S-WRAD. Jueces entrenados analizaron un total de 3355 intervenciones utilizando la clasificación de intervenciones realizada por Roussos et al. (Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003; Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006). Las intervenciones se estudiaron dentro del contexto de la sesión teniendo en cuenta tanto el discurso del paciente como el del terapeuta pero únicamente caracterizando las intervenciones del terapeuta. Se encontraron 77 interpretaciones y los valores de SWRAD del momento fueron computados. Resultados: en su mayoría las intervenciones fueron formuladas cuando el nivel de RA se encontraba por encima de la media de la RA del paciente, en una proporción de 1.2. Sin embargo, esta proporción es aún mayor cuando la intervención era una interpretación; en este caso la proporción es de 1.7. Estos resultados sugieren que el tipo de intervención utilizada en un tratamiento varía de acuerdo a las diferencias en el discurso del paciente. Estos resultados se encuentran emparentados con otros estudios que indican la existencia de una interacción entre categorías de intervención y los niveles de RA (Roussos y Leibovich de Duarte, 2002).

Aims: The study explores the interaction between the moment of formulation of interpretations in a psychodynamic psychotherapy and the patient's referential activity as measured by the DAAP-WRAD system of Bucci and Maskit (2005), using the Spanish Weighted Referential Activity Dictionary (S-WRAD) of Roussos and O´Connell (2004). Methods: Twenty-nine sessions from a two years audiorecorded treatment were transcribed, in order to analyze the sequence of interventions and its relation with the S-WRAD. A total of 3355 interventions were analyzed independently by trained judges using the classification of interventions developed by Roussos et al. (Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003; Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006). The interventions were studied in their session context, taking into account both the patient and the therapist's speech, but only categorizing the therapist's utterances. 77 interpretations were found, and the S-WRAD values at the moment of formulation were computed. Results: Most of the interventions were formulated when the RA level was higher than the mean of the patient´s RA speech, in a proportion of 1.2. But, this proportion is even higher when the intervention was an interpretation; here the proportion is 1.7. These results suggest that the type of intervention used in a treatment varies according to differences in the patient speech. These results are connected with other studies that found an interaction between intervention categories and the patient's RA level (Roussos y Leibovich de Duarte, 2002).

Interam. j. psychol ; 43(1): 170-180, abr. 2009. tab
Artículo en Español | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-54230


En la investigación sobre epistemología personal, se ha tenido escasamente en cuenta el contexto. En este artículo, exponemos razones teóricas que muestran la importancia de considerar el contexto al que la epistemología personal hace referencia, así como el contexto en el que las creencias son declaradas. Proponemos que la comprensión epistemológica referida a y declarada en contextos especializados, podría ser diferente que la referida a y declarada en contextos no especializados. Presentamos dos estudios exploratorios cuyo objetivo fue determinar si la comprensión epistemológica es distinta en contextos referencial y declarativo distintos. Los resultados mostraron que la comprensión epistemológica referida a y declarada en el contexto pedagógico -especializado- es mayor que cuando es referida a y declarada en un contexto social informal - no especializado. Sugerimos que es importante incorporar los contextos declarativo y referencial, así como la distinción entre contexto especializado y no especializado, en la investigación en epistemología personal.(AU)

In personal epistemology research, context has been scarcely kept in mind. In this paper, theoretical reasons are presented that show the importance of considering the context to which the personal epistemology makes reference, as well as the context in which the beliefs are declared. We propose that epistemological understanding referred to and declared in specialized contexts, could be different that the one referred to and declared in non specialized contexts. Two exploratory studies were carried out in order to answer the research question: Are epistemological understanding different in different reference and declarative contexts? In both studies, epistemological understanding referred to and declared in the specialized pedagogic context was bigger than when it is referred to and declared in a non-specialized, an informal social context. It is suggested that it is important to incorporate declarative and referential contexts, as well as the distinction among specialized and non-specialized context, in personal epistemology research.(AU)

Rev. paul. enferm ; 26(3): [190-196], out. 03, 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-755348


Estudo sobre o curso técnico de enfermagem, com o objetivo de refletir e analisar mais detidamente o referencial teórico utilizado, com base na legislação e nas teorias do filósofo Pierre Bourdieu. Embora os escritos de Bourdieu possam ser abstratos para enfermeiros que vivem situações de vida profissional cotidiana muito concretas, existem paralelismos entre uns e outros que ajudam a melhor compreender e a lidar com as dimensões teóricas do seu fazer e a dinâmica desse trabalho. Os enfermeiros têm utilizado suas teorias para fundamentar seus estudos, especialmente na área de história de sua profissão. As teorias de habitus, do poder simbólico e a dos campos de Bourdieu constituem um excelente referencial par aprofundar os estudos sobre história da enfermagem.

This is study aiming to reflect and analyze attentively the theoretical reference used based on legislation and on the philosopher Pierre Bourdieu. Although Bourdieu’ theories can be abstracted for nurses who live a very concrete situations in day-to-day professional field, there are parallelisms between ones and others, which help understanding and dealing with theoretical dimensions of their doing and the dynamics of this task. Nurses have been using his theories as a basis for their studies, particularly within the history of their profession. Bourdieu’s theories of habitus, symbolic power and fields are an excellent theoretical reference to deepen studies on nursing history.

Se trata de estudio sobre el Técnico de Enfermería com el objetivo de reflexionar y analizar más atentamente el referencial teórico utilizado com base em la legislación y en las teorias del filósofo Pierre Bourdieu. A pesar de que los escritos de Bourdieu puedan ser abstractos para enfermeiros que viven situaciones de vida professional cotidiana muy concretas, existen paralelismos entre unos y otros que ayudan a mejor compreender y a manejar com las dimensiones teóricas de su hacer y la dinâmica de esse trabajo. Los enfermeiros se han utilizado de sus teorias para fundamentar sus estúdios, especialmente, em el área de la historia de su profesión. Las teorias del habitusl del poder simbólico ou de los campos de Bourdieu constituyen um excelente referencial par aprofundizar los estúdios sobre Historia de la Enfermería.

Historia de la Enfermería , Legislación de Enfermería
Rev. bras. psicanal ; 41(2): 54-62, jun. 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-48505


A autora verifica a possibilidade de incorporar ao referencial de Bion os fenômenos autísticos, tais como Tustin os descreve em pacientes neuróticos. Expande a discussão iniciada em trabalhos anteriores a respeito das "transformações autísticas", com o intuito de verificar a coerência dessa proposta no conjunto da teoria das transformações. Para isso, examina a relação entre os fenômenos autísticos e os vínculos emocionais com os elementos beta, procurando também localizá-los na grade. Indaga sobre a qual das dimensões da mente pertenceriam os fenômenos autísticos, cuja incorporação ao referencial de Bion resulta numa ampliação, nesse referencial, do campo de fenômenos das áreas da neurose e da psicose para a área autística. Também discute a possível desorganização que essa ampliação pode provocar no sistema teórico utilizado por Bion em Transformações.(AU)

The author verifies the possibility of incorporating Bion’s reference system, the autistic phenomena for neurotic patients as described by Tustin. She expands the discussion which was initiated in previous papers in regard to "autistic transformations", aiming to verify the coherence within the theory of transformations as a whole. For this reason, she examines the relationship between autistic phenomena and emotional bonding with beta elements and also tries to locate them in the grid. She questions about which of the mental dimensions would belong to autistic phenomena. The incorporation of autistic phenomena, according to Bion, results in an enlargement in this reference in the field of phenomena, from the neurosis and psychosis area to the autistic one. She develops a discussion regarding the possible disorganization that this enlargement can provoke in the theoretical system utilized by Bion in Transformations.(AU)

La autora verifica la posibilidad de incorporar al referencial de Bion los fenómenos autísticos, tales como Tustin los describe en pacientes neuróticos. Expande la discusión iniciada en trabajos anteriores a respecto de la propuesta de las "transformaciones autísticas", con el intuito de verificar su coherencia dentro de la totalidad de la teoría de las transformaciones. Para eso examina la relación entre los fenómenos autísticos y los vínculos emocionales con los elementos beta, y también trata de localizarlos en la tabla. Indaga sobre a cual de las dimensiones de la mente pertenecerían los fenómenos autísticos. La incorporación de los fenómenos autísticos al referencial de Bion resulta en una ampliación, en este referencial, del campo de fenómenos de las áreas de la neurosis y de la psicosis para el área autística. Desarrolla una discusión sobre la posible desorganización que esta ampliación puede provocar en el sistema teórico utilizado por Bion en Transformaciones.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Psicoanálisis
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 41(2): 54-62, jun. 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-613103


A autora verifica a possibilidade de incorporar ao referencial de Bion os fenômenos autísticos, tais como Tustin os descreve em pacientes neuróticos. Expande a discussão iniciada em trabalhos anteriores a respeito das "transformações autísticas", com o intuito de verificar a coerência dessa proposta no conjunto da teoria das transformações. Para isso, examina a relação entre os fenômenos autísticos e os vínculos emocionais com os elementos beta, procurando também localizá-los na grade. Indaga sobre a qual das dimensões da mente pertenceriam os fenômenos autísticos, cuja incorporação ao referencial de Bion resulta numa ampliação, nesse referencial, do campo de fenômenos das áreas da neurose e da psicose para a área autística. Também discute a possível desorganização que essa ampliação pode provocar no sistema teórico utilizado por Bion em Transformações.

The author verifies the possibility of incorporating Bion’s reference system, the autistic phenomena for neurotic patients as described by Tustin. She expands the discussion which was initiated in previous papers in regard to "autistic transformations", aiming to verify the coherence within the theory of transformations as a whole. For this reason, she examines the relationship between autistic phenomena and emotional bonding with beta elements and also tries to locate them in the grid. She questions about which of the mental dimensions would belong to autistic phenomena. The incorporation of autistic phenomena, according to Bion, results in an enlargement in this reference in the field of phenomena, from the neurosis and psychosis area to the autistic one. She develops a discussion regarding the possible disorganization that this enlargement can provoke in the theoretical system utilized by Bion in Transformations.

La autora verifica la posibilidad de incorporar al referencial de Bion los fenómenos autísticos, tales como Tustin los describe en pacientes neuróticos. Expande la discusión iniciada en trabajos anteriores a respecto de la propuesta de las "transformaciones autísticas", con el intuito de verificar su coherencia dentro de la totalidad de la teoría de las transformaciones. Para eso examina la relación entre los fenómenos autísticos y los vínculos emocionales con los elementos beta, y también trata de localizarlos en la tabla. Indaga sobre a cual de las dimensiones de la mente pertenecerían los fenómenos autísticos. La incorporación de los fenómenos autísticos al referencial de Bion resulta en una ampliación, en este referencial, del campo de fenómenos de las áreas de la neurosis y de la psicosis para el área autística. Desarrolla una discusión sobre la posible desorganización que esta ampliación puede provocar en el sistema teórico utilizado por Bion en Transformaciones.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Psicoanálisis